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Natural feed for poultry and fish

Protein treat for pets, including exotic species

Whole dried larvae

  • Promotes natural behavior:

    when fed whole BSFL, birds reduce feather plucking and pecking at each other.

  • Ensures steady growth:

    added as a feed supplement, BSFL promote rapid gain of target weight and higher crude protein content.

  • Boosts immune system:

    high content of lauric acid promotes animals’ resistance to diseases and viruses.

IR-dried whole larvae of black soldier fly. Soft IR-drying allows to retain all the nutrients intact. Dried BSF larvae contain up to 60% protein and up to 30% fat.

Protein 45%
Crude fat 32%
Nutrition value  448 kkal/100 g
Ash 0.1


Toxicity non-toxic
Anaerobs not found
Salmonella not found
Escherichia coli not found

Natural feed for poultry and fish

Protein treat for pets, including exotic species

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